Friday, October 10, 2008

West Virginia Fall

Carolyn loves to walk along the "Country Roads" of WV. She talked James into walking with her. During their walk several tourists passed them, driving real slow and taking pictures. James wants to go for another walk tomorrow so he can bring his own camera.

The Fall Foliage is truly brilliant and people come from many parts of the US to view this splendid sight.


  1. Hi Cher'ley,
    Love your blog. The photos make it pop! The trees are so beautiful!

  2. Hi Cher'ley!

    Don't you love fall in the South? I'm from Georgia and this time of the year, I'm always saying, "Dang! Why didn't I bring my camera?" Writing from different characters' POV is an interesting way to grab a blog audience. I'll have to come back and see what those ghosts are up to!

    Cath (from PG!)

  3. I sure hope I responded to these two wonderful ladies who commented on my blog. I need to follow them.
