Mid January brings James closer to a heavy work schedule. The weather in Wanton, WV is unpredictable this time of year, but it's worth the risk to see Carolyn.
"Carolyn, get your ear away from that radio and make yourself useful. There's work that needs to be done. Your Uncle bought over a fresh load of wood and Pedro has stack it on the far side of the porch, but you need to bring some into the sitting room. Then we need to get the potato salad ready. There's no rest for the wicked is what I've ever heard, and I reckon I must be mighty wicked." Aunt Linda smiled slightly. "I know you're not wicked, but you can't lollygag until the work is done."
"Yes, Aunt Linda." Carolyn turned up the volume of the old fashioned white radio. "I'm worried about Jim."
"No sense fretting. He'll be here soon enough."
Carolyn rushed out to get the wood.