James nods, and sets down at his regular table close to the antique sideboard. He notices the framed 1912 Irish Postcard displayed on the plate holder sitting by the coffee urn. He smiles, I'll see that later.
Carolyn whips through the door, with a big smile on her face. She hold the coffee pot up and bows a little at James. "Coffee?"
"Yes, please." He resists the urge to jump up and wrap his arms around her apron-clad waist.
"Tá gach rud mar is cóir," She smiles.
"That's great, but I have no idea what you are saying."
"All is as it should be." We love St. Paddy's Day. We're Irish.
"You're right, Miss Irish. Táka gacho rudo marry is cóoler."
James is very happy right now. All is as it should be, but soon his vacation must end. He doesn't know what will happen next in his life.
This week at McKeel's Bed and Breakfast, there will be Celtic Music every evening.
After you read "Stamp Out Murder", I'd like to invite you to help me write the first chapter of the next book. "Canceled Out", as in canceling a stamp. Remember some people will not have read the first novel when they start on the second, so some backstory from "Stamp Out Murder" will need to be included and it will need to also be a stand alone as well as in the series.
"Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá breá agat." I'm hoping you have a fine day.
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